Tartan Leotard

contemporary dance (modern dance) in Scotland

Monday, February 27, 2006

Friday Class

I've been doing the Friday class for ages - OK I know it's not a level I should be working at and it theoretically isn't challenging enough but there are loads of reasons for doing it.
Firstly after a bad week I really look forward to a high-energy class to burn off the frustrations and anger and the Friday class is always a bit jazzier.
Secondly getting back to basics helps iron out the bad habits and review things e.g. getting those simple plies really smooth and centered. You get the services of Dougie, one of the best percussionists around (Salsa Celtica). I suppose most of all though it allows me to enjoy dancing and 'performing' rather than concentrating on technique.
There are downsides of course - sometimes going over sequences slowly can be frustrating when you just want to get out there and do it. Especially at the beginning of term you get people there who seem to have wandered into the class randomly!! I still can't get to grips with this: why does someone pay upfront for a term of classes when they don't know what it involves? You even get girls turning up in tight jeans and long skirts! Luckily Dancebase allows class switching in week 1 if there are vacancies.

This week there were 2 people injured - one who has a chronic back problem and had to stop, the other a knee sprain doing jumps - luckily one for the icepacks and not a hospital job.


Blogger Gail said...

This sounds very familiar. For many years I've had my Friday evening slow intermediate class as flying time. It's just ended due to scheduling changes at the studio and I'm at a loss as to what to do with my Fridays to take its place.

7:39 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Very odd situation this Friday; looked over my shoulder and saw the director taking part in class - a teaching assessment. Not as unnerving as the time I found Matthew Hawkins standing beside me!! Class numbers were down again too, partly due to heavy snow.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Oops - teacher was dropped mid term. Mind you same thing happened last term where the teacher lasted 3 weeks but then she couldn't mirror or alter her routines to suit the class. New guy's pretty good though.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Sadly that's the last class this term. Only 9 of us but lots of room to throw yourself around. (If you're reading this and you're from SAC sorry you couldn't make it maybe next term!) Janis is teaching next term so should be good and different.

2:29 PM  

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